
She/Her. Massive nerd. Sometimes art. Makes stuff. Sells things.
Is weird. Plays much FFXIV.
Welcome to my head.

Etsy Shop

Where I sell the nerdy things

Mcm ComicCon London

For this first time since 2017, I will not be attending MCM Comic Con in May as my application wasn't accepted. Please consider supporting me through my Etsy. Whether that be purchases or sharing on social media, all is a massive help and would be very much appreciated!!!

Custom FFXIV Jobstones

Get your own custom FFXIV jobstone.

Visit my bun special page for all the glam goodness

Fae Shadowmist - FFXIV

I love my WoL a perfectly healthy amount
Click the image to see my dedicated page just for my bun. Mostly gposes of my glams...ye have be warned.
Art by the amazing @mujumonster on Twitter

Online Shop

Click the image to see the cool stuff!!! ————>


Please check out my Etsy store where I make a wide variety of items inspired by things I love. I design, craft and make all kinds of fun things, because why have one hobby when you can have all of them, and I simply do not room to keep all that I make for myself, so sharing them with lovely people seemed the logical choice.
Items include, enamel pins, stickers, keychains as well as handmade resin bits and pieces (see below)
It means so much that I get to make things I love that others appreciate and want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for supporting my humble little dream!!!

Mcm ComicCon London

Sadly I am unable to attend this May as MCM are more interested it seems in overcharging for spaces than having unique, independent sellers at their event (me, bitter? never). Be prepared for halls filled with generic pop vinyl peddlers and drop shippers.While they are apparently expanding Artists Alley (part of their reason for lack of space for retailers) which is at least some good news for my fellow creatives, if it’s true, the bigger issue is the increase in corporate space, which starts at £1839+VAT. That’s a lot of money with no guarantee they won’t shove you in a corner with limited foot traffic. While I cannot personally condone spending that much, I can understand why other, larger independent sellers may feel strong armed into applying, it’s a lot of income to lose, but I do hope that most will resist, so as to show MCM that they can’t treat the people who made the event what it is, so badly. And while I won’t encourage guests to boycott the event (I get that for many this was a highlight of their year, myself included) I would ask that people vocalise their upset, let MCM know just how much we don’t appreciate their appalling behaviour!!!With their ever rising prices, it was clear where they wanted their market to head, so it would've probably got to a point where I couldn't justify going anyway, but at least then it would have been slightly more my choice. Being forced out, rejected, dismissed feels like utter garbage. I’m not going to lie that this will severely effect my income, but I have genuinely loved attending, being surrounded by so many fellow nerds full of creativity and passion, it was such a joyful event and I will sorely miss it (ain’t no way I’m going as a guest, not giving these leeches more of my money!) and being part of what mostly felt like a big nerdy family.
This just 100% sucks 😞
However, trying to put a good spin on a crappy situation...
I still love to create and very much hope to continue, so the good news is that this now means a lot of the items that were convention exclusive will now be available through my Etsy shop, including many of my one of a kind, handmade resin pieces. So watch this space, or more specifically, my Etsy page, that'll probably be more beneficial >.<
Please, please try to support small businesses as much as you can. I understand how rough things are at the moment for everyone, but even spreading the word and sharing on social media makes a huge, huge amount of difference.
I also just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who came to my table, said kind words and even maybe found something you thought was worth spending your hard earned money on. You have no idea how much it has meant to me over the years.
You are all awesome!!!!!
Stay strong, and try to find joy in the little things xx

Customs Info

I offer custom, handmade, one of a kind jobstones in your favourite colours, with a choice of styles and your choice of whether you would like your stone made into a keyring or necklace.
To get a better look at your options, including videos, click the link above.

Fae Shadowmist - FFXIV

Eu - light - phoenix

Sooooo yeah, when I'm not working suuuper hard on my shop, you can bet that I'm gonna be gaming, and that game is most likely going to be FFXIV.
My love for this game and my best bun girl is unfathomable. It got me through some rough times, and continues to be somewhere that gives me sanctuary and escape from the awfulness.
I am still relatively new to gposing, but I'll almost certainly have more images once I give up trying to resist yet another rabit hole to hyper focus on.
I am always more than happy to discuss my WoL, my love for Emet-Selch, and pretty much everything about this glorious game.
Be warned however, I may never shut up.
Hoping to at some point create a carrd specifically for my bun when I stop playing the game long enough haha lol.